Перед визитом в офис, обязательно согласуйте время встречи по телефону.
Your name*
Your surname*
Your e-mail*
Phone number (Your phone number will only be used if we need to contact you in urgent matters)
Level* —Выберите вариант—Beginner (Basic) (А1)Elementary(А1)Pre-Intermediate (А2)Intermediate(В1)Upper-Intermediate(В1)Advanced (В2)
Choose the type of classes* —Выберите вариант—Individual lessonsSmall groupsGroups
Select the number of academic hours —Выберите вариант—Groups 20 ac/hGroups 32 ac/hGroups 64 ac/h
Enter the desired number of hours per week (For individual classes)
Day of the week (For groups) —Выберите вариант—Mondays & WednesdaysTuesdays & Thursdays
Day of the week (For individual classes) MondayTuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturday
Preferred part of the day —Выберите вариант—MorningAfternoon
Preferred date of starting the course*
I consent to the processing of my personal data to the extent provided for in the Regulation "Conditions and procedure for admission, exclusion from school and termination of classes at the initiative of the student's parent". The information received is necessary for the conclusion of a contract for the provision of educational services. Personal data is transferred to the Tax and Customs Department for income tax refund, as well as to the Estonian Education Information System for keeping records of students. Your contact information will be used to provide invoices, information about school holidays, schedule changes. By sending us a completed application, you consent to the processing of your personal data for the above purposes.
I agree with the processing of personal data (necessarily)